*dah dah da da daaaah*
"I Am More" by Terry and "Latent Colour" by Diane.

It's hard to imagine two more similar quilts being made in these circumstances. Whilst a large view shows just how very different each quilt is from the other, at thumbnail size they are most definitely twins. Amusingly, they also have a younger set of quad siblings - "Pop Art Identity" by Gerrie.

It was a close run competition, this one, but Terry and Diane were clearly the winners because they actually did it twice. Look at their Illumination quilts (Terry's Japanese Lanterns on the left, Diane's Happy Lanterns on the right)...

I have to add another award here (and then very tastelessly award it to myself) because it has been mentioned by more than one Twelve that the following two quilts are also rather closely related. So the Before and After Award goes to Nikki's Twelve quilt "The Kissing Number" and my Passion quilt "Oh". I leave it to you to draw the parallels...

Thanks for the laugh. The funniest part is I didn't think about it at all when I was making it. "Oh" must have been inside me dreaming of being set free, but alas, I must go back to my own Passion quilt.
I was going to write how amazing it is that the two sets of quilts that most closely resemble each other are made by teh same pair of artists, but I can't stop laughing about the before and after! Thank yo for pointing out not one, but two relationships that I would have otherwise missed.
That is very funny! I hadn't realized that Terry and I came that close TWICE! All I can say is that if I'm getting in the ballpark of Terry's gorgeous work, then I'm honored!
I wonder if we all think about challenge ideas and try hard NOT to do ones that seem direct or obvious, and by consciously choosing to head in a "different" direction, we choose something closer to someone else's? Really, it's kind of surprising that we don't have more same-subject pieces more often.
I have decided that the route to take is the obvious because everyone else is out there looking for the obscure. When it came to identity - I got caught!!
When I made my Twelve theme, I did not go back and look at our quilts. I had no recollection of Terri having already done our portraits. Chalk it up to senior moments or short term memory.
Good job, Kirsty. Hope you are having a lovely time with your Mum.
I was beginning, at one point, to think Diane and I had some kind of mental connection going, after we first did the lanterns, then the fingerprint quilts. Who knows--maybe we do!
OK, now I am really laughing at your "before and after" quilts. It starts with a "kiss" and ends with an . . . ahem, little explosion of *some* kind.
Great minds think alike!
I was not surprised when the Identy theme was revealed and there were two finger prints because you all have a 'finger on the pulse' of your art. I was blown away when it happened agein in Twelve when I saw the similarity between Kissing and Oh.
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