I loved that Terry chose the theme "Twelve" -- it was the perfect theme to wrap up our first 12x12 cycle! Isn't it amazing that we've all worked together for 2 years?
I had lots of ideas, and spent a lot of time working on an image of a staircase with a sole glass slipper and a fleeting shadow. Maybe it's the fact that Caroline is just now beyond the dress-up and princess phase of little girl-hood that I loved, but I liked the idea of illustrating the stroke of midnight for the "Twelve" challenge.
And yet... and yet... I kept coming back to wanting to celebrate the twelve of us working together. I have loved getting to know everyone in the group better, and I've learned so much from all of you.
So. I decided to work with 12 hands. Can you tell that's what they are? I cut them out in various colors of silk organza, and fused them down, focused around a circle which is meant to symbolize our common purpose in participating in this project. I do like the transparent effect. The result is a bit jumbly, but that's sort of what I like about it. I've had it up on my wall for a week or so now, and I'm not sure if I love it or it's too chaotic. Or maybe the chaos is what I like about it.
Quilting added another challenge. I quilted a big spiral of concentric circles, but found that washed out the hands a bit more than I liked, so I went back in and quilted those, too. So there's a level of stitchy chaos here, too -- lots of seemingly random crossing of lines -- but there you have it. I figure that there is always a touch of crazy unpredictability in any group!
Here's a detail shot:

Diane, this is so nice with the overlapping colors, you laid them out in a way that is quite stunning. The stitching around the hands and the circular stitching really compliment it.
I agree with what Karen said. This is a lovely interpretation of the theme. The stitching is wonderful and the organza colors are gorgeous and the overlapping gives wonderful depth.
This is great. I don't find it chaotic. The colours are mixing so nicely.
Somehow I knew this was yours when it first came into view, even though it is different from all your other pieces! It is lovely and I love the idea of twelve hands.
It may be jumbly, but in a good way. I found it very easy to see all the hands and I love the concentric circle quilting that emphasizes the central focus. I don;t think the quilting around the hands detracts from that in any way. I love all the colors the overlapping sheers make. Well done.
I agree that the craziness/jumbliness is what makes this so fun and unique! Love this Diane. It's a great representation of how we've all touched each other.
That last cookie on the plate. It's mine. No, mine. No mine.....I can imagine us all at our union (is that what you call a first meeting of friends who have not all yet met? As opposed to a reunion I mean).. although maybe the rets of you will have better manners than I!
I love it! The sheers show how you each color each other's lives! The hands, the circular quilting, all very representative of the influences you have on each other. Great job!
Of course I could tell they were hands! And it didn't strike me as chaotic in the least. I love it. I think it might be because the blue hands stand out more than the others, so they send the "hand" signal quite clearly. And then you can just fall into all those beautiful layers. Did you bind it with organza too? Lovely.
It's funny, but when I looked at your piece, I kept almost seeing the word "twelve"... I think it is because the fingers so easily form the shapes of the W, E, V letters! Very fun piece.
I did bind it with organza -- something I've never tried before. A bit of a trick to have the joins not show, but otherwise a normal binding.
How I look forward to the day when we can all join hands in real life. In the meantime, you have created a beautiful quilt to inspire us. Colour, balance, rhythm. Happy sigh!
I don't see chaos - I see action and movement. The circles of the quilting calm the movement and give it a sense of purpose.
The sheer binding is great- I would never have thought to do that - it contains the quilt but doesn't cut the image off.
I love the transparency and the wonderful secondary colors that emerge. I don't find it chaotic, rather I see a strong statement of unity.
Beautiful work! Great concept, very well executed.
Keep up the good work!
Linda Laird
qUilT lAdy aT sAn dOt rR doT cOm
Definetly hands! I love how all our hands combine to create a beautiful whole. Sometimes there may be chaos, but not in a bad way. These hands are filled with love and respect. Thank you Diane for starting this group. I am so honored to be a part of it! and can only imagine where the next two years will take us.
was it done with one hand behind the ladies backs?(12 not 24!!!) I presume the graceful hands are needed for such fine stitching?
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