Saturday, November 26, 2011
Metamorphic Dilemma 2
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Metamorphic dilemma ( No 1)
Yes, I am sorry, but, despite the fact that I am delighted we have a new series and a theme and despite the fact that I am eager to get going, I am dilemma ridden. I will save one confusion for another day but let me ask you,Twelves and Readers alike, should the subject of a work of art be obvious to a viewer or need it only be in the recesses of the artists mind? Is the answer different when the work is made for a themed collection?
Let me more specific. I recently found an affordable (ish) copy of the award winning and out of print African Ceremonies by Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher. It is a two volume book in a slip case, weighs about the same as a six year old, and is full of lucious photos. Photos from it are also available in two different condensed versions which are genuinely affordable if anyone is interested.
I am reading the chapters about initiation ceremonies and about how inititates in some tribes are taken into the bush or the jungle and put through ceremonies which render them first helpless like young children again and then allow them to be ' reborn' as men. Metamorphosis in other words. The tribal body art and costumes are endessly Inspiring to me.
But if I made a quilt based on how those photographs translate into something else in my head, I doubt the viewer would look at it and, without a description, say," Oh, yes, metamorphosis". Or even " Oh, an initiation ceremony." I would hope they would see African / tribal / body art. And I think with a short statement the link would be crystal clear.
Normally, if the viewer found my art visually appealing and if it evoked somekind of emotional reaction in them I would be delighted and not care less if they understood that it was all about my interpretation of metamorphosis. In fact if they thought it was about something entirely different I would be delighted to hear their interpretation.But, if this quilt is to be part of a group of quilts all on the same theme, should my interpretation be clearer? Do you disagree with me that the art does not fail if it does not always convey the message the artist had in mind? Do you favour explanatory statements with quilts or not? Are you even awake and still reading?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thinking about Metamorphosis
Given my collection of shirtings, I could do my own take on Gabrielle Paquin's work and have my "Metamorphosis" done! But why would I do that when she has already done it to perfection? Well, I wouldn't, of course. It will be fun to dream up my own interpretation of metamorphosis, but it will be hard to pull my mind away from this lovely, lovely image.
My Beautiful Blue Plate
Thank you so much Ted and Karen for such a beautiful and personal gift!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
New Twelve by Twelve Blog Button
Monday, November 14, 2011
A plate in Paris

Ted's Plate for Me: Slice
Ted chose the quilt I made for the Kilauea color challenge, which I called "Slice." It's one of my favorites of the colorplay set so I was delighted that he picked it. Here's the actual quilt. I love love love how Ted got the texture in the colored stripes.
Since receiving it, we've had this in the center of the dining room table where we admire it daily. It gets lots of rave reviews from visitors, too. It even coordinated nicely with the Halloween quilt I bring out for the holiday.
To Karen and Ted, this was such a lovely and surprising idea. Ted, I'm in awe of your artistry in glass and am thrilled to have a piece of your work.
Thank you both so much!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
More spice!
Spice dish
Another Glass Plate!
Here is mine. It's inspired by my chartreuse 12x12 quilt titled Approaching Departure, pictured below.


Ch-ch-ch-changes — some of us revel in them and some greet them with kicking and screaming. It has taken some time, but the Twelves are ready for a change.
First up, the size will now be 20 X 12 inches. Do you notice a number relationship there? (Note: the orientation will be vertical.)
Secondly, since the size is larger, we are going to do 5 quilts this year. The dates for our reveals are: Feb 12, May 1, July 12, Oct. I, Dec. 12.
And lastly, how will we select our themes? Diane drew five names at random. The five will have the honor of choosing the themes. My name came up first. I thought of a few words which have to do with changes and moving on, but ultimately, I kept going back to metamorphosis.
The dictionary gives the following definitions of met·a·mor·pho·sis
1. Biology. a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.
2. a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft.
3. any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.
4. a form resulting from any such change.
We have not made a drastic change, but I think this word is a great metaphor for us as we move forward.
So, Twelves and friends of Twelves, let the creativity begin, again. I will be looking forward to your interpretation of this challenge.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Excuse me, I have to sit down!
I've always liked the graphic lines of Stacked, my piece for the Chairs theme challenge and it is such fun to see the design rendered in another medium. Ted even captured the quilting lines. Thank you Ted for this very special gift.
Terri's Plate
Ted did a wonderful job with these plates and I'm thrilled to be in possession of one. Below is the quilt he based mine on...from the eggplant reveal. He truly is a glass artist!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Kristin's Glass Plate

Everyone has been so quiet about these fabulous plates. Apparently they had reached even the international Twelves weeks before mine arrived in Hawaii and no one let out a peep, lest the surprise be ruined. And what a wonderful surprise it was. I recognized my Grey Parrot quilt right away. I think that it is even better in glass than in fabric! We joked about Helen's husband Dennis being named 13 for his book hawking talents, so I propose Karen's hubby Ted be named 14 for his wonderful glass work and obvious dedication to the project!
Another Glass Quilt
I have a little story to tell about mine. The first time I met Karen, a couple years ago, she brought beautiful gifts of Ted's specially designed glass plates to me and Gerrie. Gerrie's was very clearly based on her "mathematics" quilt. It wasn't until later that I realized that mine was based on my "water" quilt. Some designs are clearly much more difficult to render in glass than others. My plate was beautiful, I thought, but not as close a match to the original as Gerrie's. I loved looking at it, displayed on a shelf in my dining room. A couple of months ago a box arrived in the mail with the plate you see above and a short note from Karen. She said Ted had never been happy with the piece he'd made for me and had made another! I was speechless. When the subject of the plates came up in Houston I didn't tell my fellow Twelves that I actually have TWO of Ted's beautiful pieces. I knew they'd be jealous! Now the secret is out. What a very special gift. And while I still love the first plate, this one just knocks my socks off.
Thanks, Karen and Ted!
A Fused Glass Quilt
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Signing books!
I loved seeing our books in Cathy's Quilting Books Unlimited booth!
Terri, Kristin and I especially enjoyed chatting with this 8-year-old who was a HUGE fan of our project! She saw the exhibit and came all the way over to the vendor floor area to see us. When she arrived she recited the names of several of her favorite quilts, especially Terri's quilts including kitties!
I love this shot of all our signatures. (Oh, I see Karen's signature is missing. Bummer.) We are eager to hear from someone who is able to get all TWELVE signatures in a copy of our book.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
12 x 12 x 2 = 288 Art Quilts!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Our Missing Twelves
I made these replicas of our missing Twelves - Helen, Kirsty and Francoise. Many people got a kick out of seeing them there in our photos and at our exhibit table. Too bad they could not hear the love we heard about our exhibit or sign book after book. We all missed you three so much.
We are all tired and catching up on our lives at home. We promise to post more pictures as soon as possible.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Travelling On
If you can't join us, keep the following exhibition dates in mind:
- International Quilt Festival, Cincinnati 13-15 April 2012
- Internationa Quilt Festival, Long Beach 27-29 July 2012
- Australasian Quilt Convention, Melbourne, Australia, April 2013
Friday, November 4, 2011
Dinner with the Twelves
Here we are at dinner last night minus Kristin who took the photo. I brought Helen, Francoise and Kirsty with me. Can you find them in this photo?
We are having an amazing time and getting rave reviews on our exhibit. It is mind-blowing and exhilarating.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Nine by Twelve Connections
We miss you Kirsten, Françoise and Helen!