I took this picture in Kyoto last summer. I really like it and am thinking of using it as starting point for a 12x12 quilt. But then, when I hear 'chartreuse', I also think of Stendhal and of his novel "La Chartreuse de Parme" and I feel like reading it again.
Such a wonderfujl picture! You always show so much inspiration from Japan!
Guess what Françoise... I’m just reading an article in the Marie Claire Idées about Kyoto, ‘une sérénité impériale’ and saw a picture of trees reflecting in the water and I thought... chartreuse!
The picture is so beautiful. I could stare at it all day... now how to recreate it in fibre. Stick with the picture. I'm sure you will do something wonderful with it. victoriaedm1.blogspot.com
What a beautiful picture! It makes me think of seaglass, which I think it's the only way I'd see underwater stones that color here. It would make a beautiful starting point.
By the way, when I was a kid, for some reason I thought chartreuse was a deep, hot pink. It just sounded like a pink word to me! So I still have to think to remember that it's green. (Wouldn't it be funny if I made a pink quilt for this response?)
Gorgeous stones Françoise! Diane, I've always thought that chartreuse and puce were the strangest color names -- neither one really conjures up their color.
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About Twelve by Twelve
We are twelve quilt artists who embarked on an art challenge together. We're from different places throughout the world and our artistic styles vary, but we share a love of art quilting and a desire to play, experiment, learn, and grow.
For four years (2007-2011), we each made a 12x12 inch quilted art piece on a designated theme or palette. See our Theme Series and our Colorplay series.
For the 2012 Series, we changed things a bit and made rectangular pieces, 20x12 inches with roughly 10 weeks between each challenge. As before, we had a designated theme for each challenge.
We shared our process, progress, and results on this blog. It remains a key record of our rich collaboration.
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All images and text are owned by the relevant Twelve by Twelve artist(s). All rights reserved. Do not copy or republish in any media without consent. For more information contact info@twelveby12.org
Such a wonderfujl picture! You always show so much inspiration from Japan!
Guess what Françoise... I’m just reading an article in the Marie Claire Idées about Kyoto, ‘une sérénité impériale’ and saw a picture of trees reflecting in the water and I thought... chartreuse!
The picture is so beautiful. I could stare at it all day... now how to recreate it in fibre. Stick with the picture. I'm sure you will do something wonderful with it.
I love the colors! Our rocks are just gray.
What a beautiful picture! It makes me think of seaglass, which I think it's the only way I'd see underwater stones that color here. It would make a beautiful starting point.
By the way, when I was a kid, for some reason I thought chartreuse was a deep, hot pink. It just sounded like a pink word to me! So I still have to think to remember that it's green. (Wouldn't it be funny if I made a pink quilt for this response?)
Gorgeous stones Françoise! Diane, I've always thought that chartreuse and puce were the strangest color names -- neither one really conjures up their color.
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