I used a somewhat improvisational technique of building up a composition of various fabrics. I stitched some. I fused some and some got caught up in the stitching of the piece next to it. I have always been drawn to a layout that is reminiscent of an altar or shrine. It seems like that presented itself here also. Then I added some surface design with the yellow/orange stamped circles and a bit of machine stitching in the shape of a dandelion's spikey leaves. And then -- of course -- the hand embroidery.
I finished with a traditional binding, but gave it some character with a simple blanket stitch extended from the white section on each side -- embellished with a small bead in each stitch. This idea came from "thr3fold" journal, a wonderful publication by Linda and Laura Kemshall.

I am thrilled with this little beaded section. I think it's my favorite element of the whole piece. (I won't tell you my less-than-favorite elements, though that might be an interesting discussion.)
It is very thrilling to check the blog and see another dandelion quilt posted. It would seem we are all quite anxious about it. Your quilt is great. I love the abstract quality of it, but yet the colors and shapes leave me with no doubt as to the theme.
My first thought was "WOW,this is so not Deborah!" The I looked again and realized that if the yellow were replaced by purple it would be very Deborah! The simple composition and wonderful combination of machine and hand stitching is so you; well done as always. I really like the added stamped circles -- especially the way they pick up the circle patern in the white ribbon. Oh, and the beads on the border -- I have to borrow that! Way cool.
I love that beaded edge finish. I love the whole piece because I love collaging fabrics and adding stitching and surface design. I am thrilled with how different the pieces are with the identical theme.
Deborah I really like that beaded area too. It adds an unexpected element
Deborah! Another wonderful piece! I love the depth and dimension of this. I could look at this piece for a long time -- lots of repeating elements used so well (grass, circles), your wonderful and characteristic embroidery, and that beaded edge finish! You used it beautifully for the perfect accent. I love how this is connected to various other pieces of your work, and yet it also seems different.
It's lovely. The colours are a bit unusual, but it's definitely a very Deborah quilt. Beautiful!
Wonderful, wonderful! Like Kristen I said, "so not Deborah" until I looked more closely and found all your little signature touches and yes, that beading is splendid!
I like that you have taken this further than any of us away from representational. The beading trick is good isn't it,.Must check out that journal!
I love the collage of various fabrics -- like dandelions popping up in so many different places. I've also learned that there are more varieties of dandelions than I can count.
The beads are a very nice, unexpected touch.
Well, bless your little offbeat heart! I love it! The section across the quilt with the beaded edges is a stroke of genius.
Like Helen, I like the more abstract nature of your piece. The multiple layers and textures means this quilt rewards close attention.
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