Whew!! I have been working and working to get this done and photographed and chronicled on my blog. You can see the complete process there. It has a base of over dyed cotton which I discharged using Soft Scrub. I made thermofax screens from a photograph. I altered it in Photoshop and made it in 3 different sizes. I stitched it with variegated hand-dyed Perle cotton.
I love all the pieces that have been posted. It truly shows our individuality and showcases our unique creativity. Can't wait to hear what Francoise has in store for us.
That is relly great. I love discharging and this is a great example.
Oh yum! I love it. Bring it on Thursday, OK? I'll bring mine.
Gerrie, I was hoping you'd apply your screen printing and surface design skills to this theme! The puffs are wonderful. This seems like a great way to show off your mastery of this technique!
Thanks, Diane. I am trying to figure out how to get comments mailed to me without leaving a comment of my own. Do you know?
This is fabulous Gerrie. It reminds me of fireworks high in the sky on the 4th of July. Maybe that's what dandelions really are...little fireworks going off all summer.
I can just feel the seeds flying through the air. Maybe that is why I've been sneezing all afternoon.
Oh Gerrie! It's so fantastic. And I really enjoyed reading the process on your blog. You certainly have applied your computer, photography and screening skills with this piece. I'm impressed. And I love the all-over seed stitch in the background.
Deborah: I was thinking of you as I did that seed stitching!!
It's beautiful! I'm off to your blog to read about the whole story.
Gerrie, I love to look at quilts that make me ask "How on earth did she DO that?" It's fabulous. And the name is inspired!
What a triumph! The hand-dyed fabrics and threads, not to mention the wonderful stitching, give this piece such texture, subtlety and charm.
I LOVE this piece!!!
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