Here is the code that you can cut and paste into your blog side bar if you wish:
<a href="http://twelveby12.blogspot.com/">
<img src="http://serendipitypatchwork.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/blogbutton.gif" alt="Twelve by Twelve group blog" /></a>
Please e-mail me if you require any assistance. (The image url was updated on 24 November 2007 so you may need to update your coding accordingly so the image shows up in Firefox.)
Thanks Brenda --it worked perfectly for me. I like the little 12 favicon up top too. I bow down to your technical support of our blog!
With Diane having already made the mosaic, putting the button together was easy! Glad you like the 12 favicon (which shows up in Firefox browsers). I have lots of ideas for our website...
This is great- you are so clever!
Thanks Brenda!
Excellent! It worked perfectly and looks quite handsome in my sidebar. Thanks, Brenda!
Brenda, this button is great! Thanks for doing it and it works quite nicely. I think this makes you our official Mistress of Internetilicious Relations.
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