Orange was never high on my favorite colors list. I don't know why. Orange is great! Nowadays I love orange, and I'm finding that it sneaks into more and more things in my life.
Although I've been challenging myself to incorporate something from traditional quilting into my Colorplay pieces, I'm giving myself permission not to have to do it this time. My grey piece didn't lend itself to my self imposed rules and the connection to a little known block didn't help. I'm still wishing I had done a mola a la Diane's inspiration -- I can see it in my head.
Anyway, orange is making me want to do a still life of some sort, and still life is making me think of all the painterly techniques I read about in Quilting Arts magazine and never do myself. So, I've done a little research, and am planning on a few days of trying techniques and layering and collaging and seeing what happens. I think this is going to be one of those times that I have to try a bunch of things and work on many parts simultaneously and just see what sticks.