In this case, I made a couple of trial blocks to try to get the scale right and then did a mock-up on the computer before moving to another idea.
I am very curious to see what everyone comes up as the quilts start to appear online in 24 hours or so.
The International Art Quilt Challenge
I haven't started. I have only five days. Yikes.
I got side tracked by other projects and my lack of ability to say "no." Today I am finishing filling 25 bags of goodies for the much-beloved Advent Tree that will be put up in our entryway this weekend. (Advent actually starts on November 30, so the deadline is technically sooner than our 12x12 deadline, though the first goodie bag will be marked December 1.)I've got ideas and high hopes for effective execution -- and for some peace and quiet for study time. (Hmmmm. House guests and a huge holiday meal? Peace and quiet? Seems unlikely.)
Hey, I just realized it's my turn to pick the next theme. I'm all set for that! I've had it settled in my mind for months.