Saturday, August 23, 2008

Almost finished

I think I'm about done with the shelter piece. I went in a completly different direction than I started out . It involves Machu Picchu again, and lots of painted interfacing. I was almost finished quilting it when I realized, Brenda, that I once again used a lot of green! I tried working it again in different colors, but this one is really the best. I always thought my favorite color was blue, but this dark green seems to have a hold on me. I will be previewing it and saving it for later post because I will be in Ohio during the big reveal. I'm taking a class at Nancy Crow's Barn with Claire Benn and Leslie Morgan .


Gerrie said...

Oh, I am so jealous. I would love, love to take a class with those two women. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but am not sure that it is a go. I have so much coming up. I am planning on a productive week in the studio.

Karen said...

I'm so excited, and a little nervous, I almost feel like I'm not at their level yet, but I'm taking the plunge. I have an idea I want to develop into a series, but I'm having a really hard time implementing it.

Kristin L said...

Enjoy the workshop Karen! Don't worry too much about feelings of inadequacy -- just jump right in and I'm sure the water will be fine!!

Anonymous said...

Green is my favourite colour! Not that you could tell from my 12x12 quilts so far. Indeed, it's interesting that my quilts don't seem to have much variety in colour. That will be changed with my "Shelter" quilt but there's still no green! Have a fabulous time at your workshop with Claire and Leslie. The Crow barn is a fabulous facility and Margaret's catering is sublime. Great fuel for intense learning.