Despite selecting the theme and having a multitude of ideas, illumination remained elusive. Once again, I was attracted to exploring a theme in shibori and I ended up with some dramatic results as shown on
my blog. I selected this piece because the motif serendipitously fitted in a 12x12 square and because of its zen feel. I need to work on my handstitching skills but am satisfied with the outcome.

A lantern in the darkness radiates the promise of life and sanctuary. From St Paul to the Beach Boys, the invocation to shine has been a powerful message throughout the ages. In the 21st century, to be the best person you can be and to let it show, seems just as relevant.
I'm so impressed at your Shibori talents, Brenda. This has your signature combination of elegance, simplicity, lovely balance and effective, graphic lines. Someeday on a future Twleveby12 retreat, will you teach us all shibori?!
Great piece of shibori. I love the symmetry of this even though I don't usually go for symmetry!! :)
I wouldn't have gotten lantern specifically had you not said it, but I definitely get a zen serenity and lovely glow from it. I also see no fault with your hand quilting -- it is the right solution for this.
I clicked on the picture and I got a wonderful close up that showed all the lovely hand embroidery with the varigated yellow floss. I love that additional "spark." It's beautifully finished too. Nice edges.
Really beautiful and contemplative. The symmetry that is not symmetry is perfectly Zen. The sublety of the color and the pebbly texture are so inviting.
Shibori again! I like it.
Well done.
A very visually appealing design. I agree with the others, your shibori skills are wonderful. I love the addition of the hand stitches and the texture they give. I didn't even see those stitches until I went in for the close up.
LOVE the stitching!
The shibori is wonderful! You did an outstanding job with your stitches.
Those magical little yellow stitches! They really make this something special, Brenda. It has all the best qualities of a "simple" design. It's gentle, quiet, beautiful and rewards contemplation by revealing a little more of itself with each closer look.
I agree with Diane that you need to teach us shibori on a Twelve by Twelve retreat. And thank you to everyone for leading me to the larger view. All the tiny, yellow stitches are wonderful.
Brenda, when you said shine in your comments, that is exactly what I see here. You've managed to take gold and indigo, and make it illuminated
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