I've been working on my "Pink" challenge piece, and reading everyone's comments about how you've been working on yours... and I can't help but notice the strong sentiments this color seems to provoke.
I selected "pink" for a couple of reasons. For one thing, I notice that it's a color a lot of people avoid and I'm not sure why. As someone said early on, it's just "light red!" So it makes me wonder -- is it that it's a pastel color, and we're bold women who tend to use bold colors? Is it that it is the stereotypical color of girlie femininity and our feminist tendencies cause us to avoid that association? Maybe it's that "pink" can be associated with cutsie and sweet, and that's not an arena we want to find ourselves in? Maybe as girls (or "women formerly known as girls") we were so over-exposed to pink in our childhoods that we avoid it now? For those of you who dislike the color pink, do you have an understanding about why? I'd be interested to know if you can articulate the reasons for your reactions.
In any event, the main factor in my choosing this was that I knew it would push almost everyone out of their comfort zones. One of the aspects I've loved about our challenges is seeing the directions people choose, and especially being surprised by someone's piece just when I think I'll be able to predict something. So I'm sorry if this challenge topic has been stressful for some -- think of it as a little bit of a tug on your comfort zone boundaries. And I know that I will encounter the same feeling as we move forward!
Speaking of comfort zones, I've decide to try to push mine in this new Colorplay circuit. You've seen how I tend to go straight for a direct and literal interpretation. I've decided to push myself this time around to work more abstractly -- no representational images allowed. (Feel free to call me on that later when I forget my little self-imposed personal challenge!) So I'm headed in a very different direction and I know it will keep me especially challenged as we move forward.
I'm looking forward to December 12!
Interesting thoughts on pink avoidance Diane! I, myself, like pink. There are so many shades of it and it works so well with my favorite color palette of orange, pink, purple and black. I had similar thoughts of working abstractly too and found myself doing just the opposite. I guess it's in my creative blood. Can't wait to see what everyone makes.
In the Netherlands, where I live, pink is very often associated with homosexual men. Heterosexual men have a tendency to avoid pink because of this. Me, I like pink, especially the hot pinks like fuchsia, I wear it a lot in summer.
I love pink - it is a very cheerful color! Although hot pink is my favorite shade. There is nothing like pink flowers to warm up a vase on the window sill. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone creates with *pink* in mind! Bring it on!
I love that you've added a personal challenge to our group one. I'm not quite that brave. Terry mentioned on her blog pink being the flag of girliness. I say, lets own it and wave that flag high and proud (as I sit here in a pink shirt).
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