...nothing inspired me! Until one day, as I was driving, the phrase "Window of Opportunity" came to me.
My sister, her husband, my brother and my husband and I are all self-employed these days. As we run our businesses, uppermost in our thoughts is the need to identify and make the most of each opportunity. We have had many conversations about the concept. Some opportunities are seemingly small, but lead to bigger things. Some are hard to make out; easy to overlook. Some are bright, clear and obvious.
My quilt didn't become anything startling or overwhelmingly original. I was a bit disappointed that it looked, well, too familiar. It's fairly quiet, subdued even, but it expresses what I wanted to convey and so, in the end I am satisfied.

I think this beautiful combination of colors and fabrics is anything but familiar. The composition may be somewhat basic, but the details make it completely original. I also love your very insightful comments about identifying opportunities. Great job, Kristen.
Kirsten, your fabric choices really make this piece work. My eye is traveling around in a circle then stopping at the tiny red pieces in the bottom right. Very effective.
I didn't find this quiet or subdued. I found the background fabric very chaotic with the windows adding some calm. I love your fabric choices.
It is interesting that we used the same idea, but differently. I love your windows. The one in the upper left corner especially beckons to me. It seems especially filled with light and promise and the little reddish purple section at the bottom is crisply graphic. That quadrant could exist on its own, but also works so wonderfully with the rest.
Kirsten, what I find in this piece is a lovely blend of solidity and familiarity (the symmetrical window shapes), with exciting variation and color and fabric choices. It doesn't feel static or boring -- it feels like you've explored these shapes really effectively. I think it's terrific.
I think your window of opportunity is just perfect. I love the colors and it has a whimsical feel to it that makes me smile. I like how you related your own business experiences to the theme and quilt.
I love the whimsical quality of this and how each window is different. Our whole family can relate to your theme as we are all entrepreneurs, too.
And I was so relieved that all your sewing equipment was handy this time!!
I was going to say what Diane did, but she said it so much better. This has a welcoming, homey feel, and a cheerfulness at the same time. These are windows I'd like to look through and see what surprises await on the other side. :-)
I don't find it subdued! The colours are very pretty and bright.
My eyes keep moving around to see all the different little windows and the fabrics you used. I would like to see it closer.
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