I've brainstormed many times about "Water." I keep coming back to an image of vacation, relaxing on the water or gazing out at the great ocean. I grew up on an island in the Puget Sound, surrounded by water. My grandparents lived on the beach and we would always play at the edge of the waves. Summers were spent floating along the Columbia River visiting friends' vacation property along the river. My husband and I lived on a sailboat the first six months we were married. Each of these things has their problems and pains -- taking a ferry boat to get to the city, the water was much to cold to swim in, a lot of people crammed into a very small mobile, icicles on the inside of the windows. I tend to forget all those inconveniences and remember only the romantic, calming images of living around water. My soul longs for peace of walking along the beach, knowing that my life and struggles are so small compared to the vast beauty of the ocean. Now to capture that in a quilt!
Mmmm...Walking along the sea! My favourite thing to do on a beach...
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