There's nothing new under the sun.
And yet, we're always looking for, and trying to protect, the unique. This latest 12 x 12 challenge definitely posed a challenge for me in the influence category.
I can see in much of my work the influence of artists I have studied with or who's work inspires me. It's akin to studying from the Masters in my mind. I sleep well at night though, confident that although my inspirations may be obvious, no one would ever mistake my work for that of my teachers'. (And I think/hope I do a good job of giving credit where credit is due.)
What about more subtle influences, and that Murphy's Law of coming up with a solution only to find that someone else found it the day before? For our community theme, I wanted to incorporate houses. My first thought was a close variation on my "Rooted" series, with a circle of houses tied together with ribbons at their sides and roots in the center. By the end of January, I was thinking of a community "woven" together -- either strips of fabric with the houses themselves, or the ground on which I'd later stitch the houses.
Like so may others, I have bought the book "Finding your Own Visual Language" in which one of the exercises is to take a simple shape and cut it up and alter it, playing with it's graphic nature. I will eventually do the exercises in this book, but for now considered using the house as my shape and the results as a stamp for my 12 x 12 piece. But then Brenda and Françoise shared their stamped experiments and I thought, "Oh no, now I'll look like I'm copying if I do this too." A few days later, I decided that I liked the detail I could achieve by tracing house photos onto my cloth, and that this was as good a solution, if not better (for my work) as stamping.

But then Jude posted her
fabric weaving. It's no secret that I hang out at Jude's blog and drool over the sumptuousness and whimsy of her work. But really, I have sketches of woven cloth in my diary, drawn a full month before Jude's
What If. Of course, I admired her woven
Treehouse quilt over a year ago, so the influence probably is her's, just on a more subconscious level. So now what? Do I scrap the woven idea?
I've decided not to, since my concept of a community
IS a group woven together by common interest, geography, experience, language, etc...
In the end, I have houses, I have woven cloth, and I have messy edges. Am I copying Françoise, Jude, and Nikki? I see it rather as an amalgamation of influences that may or may not be from these inspirational women (and the books I own, and the classes I've taken, and, and.). To me it feels filtered through my experiences, vision, and hands. There is so much out there everywhere to be seen and experienced that it is impossible NOT to be influenced. Call me out if I'm wrong.