Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm finished
Today I also finished my "pink" piece for the first reveal of our new set of 12 quilts. Pink has been a struggle right up to the end, but I do love it. A couple of little glimpses.
This is my "bet you can't guess what it is" post. Can you?
More thoughts on pink on my blog post for today.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Code Pink

I am having fun working on my pink piece. In the last few days, I have been thinking about these women who work tirelessly for peace, and I wish I had thought of doing my quilt about them.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Bid-4A-Cause: Roseus Goddessii
"Roseus Goddessii" comes in all shapes and sizes. This piece includes eleven fine lines – ten pale pink and one deep pink – to represent that one in eleven women in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 75.
The one I didn't do
It is a subdued pink—not too bubblegum or Barbie. I told Gerrie I was going to take it home and stare at it until something came to me. Then a few days later I drove up to meet some friends in North Portland (you may have read about it on my blog. It was the tour of Mississippi street) and I had to park a couple blocks off the main drag in a, shall we say, "transitional" neighborhood. Right across the street from where I parked was this sad, pink house.
My photo doesn't really show the full extent of it's peeliness and patchiness and sagginess, though if you look closely I think you can see that the address plaque on the door hangs at an angle. It was obviously many years ago that someone had the inspiration to paint it a precious combo of pink with aqua trim. Its grodiness really appealed to me and I got right to work drawing up a plan for it when I got home. But as I worked I could see that it was going to end up in fabric being "cute"—exactly what I did not want. Hmmmm. What to do?
I got sick the same day I was humming on where to go with this darn pink challenge and went to bed with a slight fever that night. I slept fitfully and dreamt, crazily, about making a pink quilt. At one point an old friend, an angel really, appeared in my dream, waving scissors and pointing me in an altogether different direction. When I awoke I had my new idea, goofy as it is. And I have to tell you that subdued pink is not going to work at all. Yesterday I went out and bought a nice garish bubblegum pink fabric. I have gone over to the pink side...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Exciting News!
We'll keep you posted as we know publication dates.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Nearly Done

This is going on my Pink quilt. My inspiration is the pink I see twice a week, but know is a part of all of us. And as I'm working on this, I keep hearing Stella from Project Runway in my ear saying, "leathah!" Any guesses?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Four Twelves or One Third!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
2x12s Together!
I can hardly wait to meet her, and I SO SO SO wish all of you could join us!
We'll be thinking of all of you!