As I researched this theme, I was struck by how often chairs are associated with memories of people. For me, I was reminded of times I used to travel with my father to screen movies in community halls in rural New Zealand. One of my jobs would be to assist with setting out the chairs for the patrons and to stack them up again afterwards. I used my Electric Quilt software to experimented with various designs and colour schemes.
Twelve Chairs was one variation but in the end I preferred the fractal, graphic simplicity of
© 2009 Brenda Gael Smith
I love the strong colors and simple graphic design. I thought about doing deconstructed ladder back chairs and envisioned something along these lines.
I liked 12 Chairs a lot, but you are so right to have kept going --this one is even better!
I love the strong graphics!
I, too, love the strong graphic design and the simple color scheme. Perfect!
I'm seeing an abstract here and I love it. The chair within a chair idea is so cool and The straight lines are of the fabric and the stitching are really great.
Brenda, this is wonderfully bold and graphic and continues your exploration of strong lines and patterns. It has a very strong sense of balance, too.
Yeah! Great graphic punch and intriguing secondary patterns between the chairs. This would work on a very large scale as well.
I feel that the simplicity within complexity is well supported by your colour choice and linework. The quilt corners are pefect because they reflect the rounded edges of square chairs. A strong and very distinctive set of chairs make this a great little quilt.
Great colors and composition.
Very nice. I love it.
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