Look at the crazy, chaotic work that came out of my studio.

It's called "She Sits to Dream." I think I surprised myself with this color palette and the intentionally messy construction. I wanted to try to be looser in the creative process. It was a challenge, but fun.
If my dreams are filled with layers and layers of wishes, hopes, ideas and desires, maybe this is what they look like. There is pattern and chaos. Rough edges. Some of the insides are sticking out. It's empty, yet open.

The dreams are surrounded by the potential for growth.
"She Sits to Dream" was my second attempt at a chair quilt. My first quilt was just too quiet. Here is "She Sits to Wait."

I liked the composition and the general shapes of the different elements. So, it was fun to covert those elements to different fabrics.

In fact I can even imagine doing another "she sits to..." quilt.
Which do you like better?
What fun! I saw the piece and thought - those are Deborah elements- but eh fabrics and colors were a total surprise. I like it better than your original piece. There is so much more to take in. Hey, everyone! Be sure to click on the image and see the enlarged version with all the wonderful stitching and the wonky edge which I love, love. Yeah!
No contest here-- She Sits to Dream is much more engaging! She Sits to Wait is restrained in it's tight elements and colors, but Dreams is bigger and bolder and energetic. :-)
I love the bright colors! Dreaming is so much better than waiting!
I love She Sits to Dream. The fun and colorful fabrics all work so well together and your added details make the perfect place to sit and dream. This definitely could be a series.
I'm not sure which one I like better, I love the loose threads on the top one, but the bottom one is so peaceful and calming. I agree with you on continuing a series.
My reaction to your piece was an instant gasp of delight. This is definitely YOU -- your elements and structure and symbols are here, and yet it feels like you pushed yourself out of a box to get looser and freer. This has a vibrancy, almost a wildness, that makes you fell that whoever sits to dream here will be dreaming happy, exotic dreams. I could look at this for a long time.
TO me, this piece looks like you took a big step forward on your creative path.
Oh, and I really, really like the second one, too. It does have a quiet sense of waiting... much more restrained. I hope you don't mind me saying this...the second one feels like you, in a safety zone where things are familiar -- the "dream" one feels like you leaping into the unknown.
Both are just beautiful.
While I love them both, I must say I love the ethereal, dreamy quality of the second piece. The patterned fabrics, and how you combined them, in the first, are, however, fabulous!
Love the energy of 'She sits to dream', 'She sits to wait' is a little scarey. It speaks of a wait that goes on..... and remains unfulfilled.
I love both of these, though the bright one appeals to me more. It is really amazing how the different color palettes make such a big difference. I think both are equally powerful pieces. As always, love your compositions and hand stitching details.
I don't know which one I like best! The second one is very quiet and peaceful. The first one is vibrant and lively. I definitely like both of them.
Since you ask, I prefer the second more subdued piece but I appreciate the playful, boldness of "She Sits to Dream" and it is fun to see how two pieces with essentially the same elements can convey two such different moods.
wonderful!! I love them. You've been on my mind, cuz one of your 'hankies' is in a piece I'm working on right now. hmm. maybe I'll add a chair to it!!
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