This is my very simple solution to a theme that did not capture my imagination, mainly due to the fact that I am up to my eyeballs in the work for my solo show. This is constructed from my hand dyed silks and organza for the geometric forms.
My original idea had to do with my ineptness when it comes to numbers and math. I was going to do a portrait of myself with spiky things emerging from my brain. On the right side the colorful spiky things would have had words like color, texture, pattern, etc. On the left side, they would have been blank. It was just too complicated for me to pull off. So I went for keep it simple, stupid!!
Gerrie, you're simple solution is really interesting to look at. The silk has that almost sheer quality to it and the diagonal stitching adds so much interest. With this piece KISS worked!
The fabrics are beautiful -- so full of color and light!
I love the image I have of your mathematical self portrait. Even a quick sketch of your idea would be great.
OK, so this theme didn't get you excited -- but you still gave us something fun and bright to enjoy and lots of your beautiful silks! Nothin' wrong with that.
This is another good example that the simplest ideas can be done beautifully ... The colors and shapes are really pleasing, and I agree that the quilting lines add a lot. Very nice! And a good reminder that math is about more than numbers.
Hooray for simplicity! I love it. The colors are brilliant and the quilting complements all those shapes and shades.
Geometry was my favorite math class, simply because it was so graphic and visual. And all the elements are there in your quilt. Think of it not as "simple" but as "basic". As in, "this is where it all begins." And, yes, the color is to die (dye) for!
I didn't comment on this when I first saw it because it gives me a feeling that I couldn't quite pin dpwn. Sadly I still can't - all I can say is that it is a positive association with something. I keep thinking of the word 'parfait' but I am not sure with is what I am grasping for. I know I kind of want to eat the quilt! maybe because it looks like a box of chocolates? I shall continue to stare and consider and try to identify what it is that I am reacting to! Weird comment to leave I know but at least honest!
Like Helen, I had an immediate positive association with this. When I was at kindy (aged 4) my favourite activity was to make mosaic pictures with broken eggshells that had been dyed brilliant colurs. THOSE brilliant colours, in fact. I looked at your lovely quilt and could smell the PVA glue!
It's glorious, Gerrie.
Love your quilt Gerrie. I think it's the colors that grab me first and then the shapes and then the way they all relate. Your spiky idea sounds like a fun one, but I agree, simple!
Simple is good! Less is more and this fulfils the theme with graphic style. The hand dyed silks are positively luminous. Yummo! (that's a technical critique term)
PS: Maybe we are quilting cousins too (see my quilt Little Playtime).
Simple but lovely.
Your fabrics are gorgeous. I understand Helen who wants to eat your quilt... It looks too yummy.
lovely colours and shapes!
I've realised what it reninded me of - not parfait but a box of highly coloured fondant creams!
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