Monday, June 23, 2008


That is all I can think of. I read all your posts on beautiful buddhist mediations, illuminated manuscripts and cross cultural celebrations and all I can think about is Blackpool.
Really I want to work with the idea of Eureka! and Achimedes in his bath.
But all I can think about is Blackpool illuminations
So I think I will just have to go with it. But be warned. I am actually beginnng to understand why manufacturers make neon thread. Plus, I am thinking emebllishments the tack of which you have never seen before.
You may wish to use the poll function on our yahoo group to nominate someone to make a reserve quilt for the mosaic!


Anonymous said...

Go for it, Helen. I love a bit o' tack, I do.

Gerrie said...

I had a "lost in translation" moment, but did a google and now I can't wait for your tacky (same as tack?) Blackpool rendition.

Unknown said...

Actually after posting I had a bath and had my own archimedes moment and thought of a way to turn pure tack ( meaning disgusting, garish, nasty useless, kitsch rubbishy stuff)into a quilt with just tons of grown up restrained social comment. Oh and some dripping off the quilt tack!!

Kristin L said...

My great, great grandfather on my mother's side was named R Kimmie. We always thought it was an odd name, until my mom's genealogical research unearthed a few ancestors farther back in the same line, named Archimedes.

Of course, that has nothing to do with the price of tea in China. I think you should put as much tack in your quilt as you are inspired to. I usually figure once you go to the tacky side, there's no sense not going all the way!

Gutterman makes both a glow in the dark thread (really works!!) and one that changes color when inside or outside. They might work with an Illumination them...

Deborah Boschert said...

Oh I'm giddy with anticipation!