Wednesday, August 26, 2009
12 x Mini Radiance
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Twelve - streets ahead
Monday, August 24, 2009
Twelve Frogs

According to Sydney mathematician Clio Cresswell, singles can increase their chances of finding true love by rejecting at least 12 potential partners before settling down. Here is the complete article Mathematician's Formula for Love.
She says that mathematics can be fun but have you kissed twelve frogs?
Friday, August 21, 2009
What's up with the number Twelve?
- 12 tribes of Israel
- 12 hours in the day; 12 hours in the night; 12 hours on a clock
- 12 apostles
- 12 signs of the zodiac
- 12 months of the year
- 12 jurors on a jury
- 12 days of christmas
- There are 12 function keys on a computer keyboard f1-f12
- There are 12 digits on a telephone keypad 0-9 plus # and *
- There are 12 total notes in an octave c,c#,d,d#,e,f,f#,g,g#,a,a#,b
- There 12 grades in elementary and high school
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Celebration of Passion
Queensland 4810, Australia
Phone/Fax + 64 7 4724 2268
So if you are ever in Far North Queensland, a very beautiful part of the world, be sure to pop into Pompom Rouge.
PS: This piece is called "Irrepressible. I made it for the "Passion" theme, which was set by Kirsten. It has a very festive, celebratory air.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Twelve Colour Wheel

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Little Twelvetoes
I still don't quite get the base 12 math, but I'm fine with the multiplication tables.
Twelve Part Colour Melody

I can feel another dyeing session coming on...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A Passionate Update
Click on the mosaics to take you through to the Twelve by Twelve website. And if you notice a broken link or typo, please e-mail me and let me know.
The twelfth theme
Passion and colours

Having too many ideas about this burning theme, I did some brainstorming with pen and paper. The words that kept coming again and again were those associated with hot colours. After all, if I'm a quilter, it's mostly because I like to play with colours so much.
I decided to take lots of pictures of colourful flowers in my garden, and then started to dye fabrics trying to achieve the colours I liked most in these pictures.
I also printed one of the pictures on white cotton, and I included two small pieces of the picture in my quilt.
The left side of the quilt is a piece of bright orange fabric I liked a lot and I didn't want to cut up. The right side is the logical follow-up of a few scrap quilts I made these last months.
This was really a fun theme to explore. Thanks Kirsten!
There will be more pictures on my blog in a few days.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Crime of Passion

I did not have an easy time with this challenge topic! And I have to confess that as I puzzled over what I would do, I was somewhat affected by the musings on this blog. I rejected passion flower and passion fruit as likely to duplicate someone else's effort -- and anyway, they just didn't thrill me. I rejected all sorts of ideas, until at some point the phrase "crime of passion" occurred to me. And maybe it's the lawyer in me (not that I'm into crimes, let alone crimes of passion!), and maybe it's that I adore mystery novels, but that's the one I knew I wanted to try to illustrate.
Ultimately, I decided to give this a double meaning. As those of you who read my blog or know me in "real life" know, I'm passionate about reading. I can talk books and browse bookstores and read for ages and ages and ages. Because of that, it seemed especially appropriate to make my piece a book cover of a mystery thriller about a crime of passion!
I could picture it in my mind, but oh, getting it translated into fabric! (Isn't that always the way?) I snapped photos of paperback books until I found a position and composition I liked. But then, how to create the cover? I tried various methods -- hand drawing letters and a bloody illustration .... the effort was fun but the result was just not what I wanted. Finally, I realized that I could set it up with Photoshop, and that's the method I followed.
As a side benefit in all of this, I have now learned how to create a curved-line path and place type on it in Photoshop! I wanted the book cover's text to curve to show a bent paperback cover. I tell you, just the type part took a full day. (And only at the end did it occur to me that I should have called my brother, a graphic designer and Photoshop expert, to just do it for me... duh.) Ah well, I was satisfied with the result. The bloody knife is adapted from a photo of a halloween decoration!!
Once I had my cover, I fused it down and then machine quilted it. You probably can't see it too well in this photo, but on the black background I tried to machine quilt fingerprint-like shapes. You know, crime evidence! You can click on both photos to see a larger, detailed view.
Here's a detail shot:

All in all, I was happy with the result and I feel like this really does illustrate one of my passions!
Hot hot hot

Passion Interupted

For my quilt, I used a fiery background of pinks, oranges and yellows contrasted with the cool purples, blues and greens of interruption. The background is pieced with various commercial fabrics and then overlayed with hand dyed organza, symbolizing how my passions are somewhat veiled at this time. I quilted it with metallic swirls for all the ideas and passions swirling around within me. I then added wire springs for the bits of passion that find their way out. The cross pieces are paint rag fabric in my favorite purples and greens. They are quilted with variegated thread for the various, changing passions of others and outlined with a heavy beaded line for the strength of their demands.
Despite my occasional frustration, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and my time of interupted passion is only for a season. For now, I will embrace my family and role as mom with passion and sneak in time for myself when I can.
Satin Sheets

I used red silk painted fabric to make rose petals. I fused two pieces together. I created three dimensional petal shapes from the fused silk. They were sewn to the background with a small bead. Here is a closeup

So, there you have it, satin sheets and rose petals, ready for a night of passion. You can see more details on my blog.
If I never make another colonial knot as long as I live...
Colour is my greatest passion. It motivates much of what I do. I hear music as colour, I dream about colour, my feelings are colours, even my senses sometimes express themselves as colours. The worst personal loss I can imagine for myself would be to lose the ability to see colour.
There are other old passions here, too - old linens (the base cloth is an old damask tablecloth),embroidery, circles; as well as a new one - felt (who would have guessed I would fall in love with felt?)!
Technically this has more than a few glitches. The middle began life as a circle. But the damask is so stretchy that as I made knots it distorted to an ovoid. C'est la vie. Doesn't everything change? I'm no longer concerned about holding so tightly that I can't let it become what it wants to be. In the end I was just happy to indulge a passion and drift along. I've been doing a lot of that lately and it's taking me to some good and unexpected places.
Edited 010809: I have uploaded a bigger image file so you can now click on this for more detail (yesterday I just couldn't get the big file on). There are no beads, just fabric and felt circles and colonial knots (Terry, they are made differently to French Knots and are easier and more reliable. Also known as candlewicking knots). Kristin, you picked up on the aspect of this quilt that I was too shy (never been accused of THAT before!) to mention. I meant it when I said I experience everything as colours! ;)
Kitty Love

I struggled with this theme to begin with. When I came up with a plan of action and then executed it, I looked at my results and felt that it didn’t speak of passion. I was ready to set this quilt aside and try again.
Because I made this quilt early on in the time period, I had a lot of time to think about other ideas for passion. I did come up with another idea, but for some reason just didn’t feel all that excited about it. I kept thinking about the quilt I had already made.
So then I started thinking more about my quilt and passion. When I first designed the quilt I was thinking of two people totally in love. They are passionate about their love for each other. Since I’m a cat lover, I thought perhaps I’ll substitute them for people in my quilt. Well after I made the cats and looked at it, it just didn’t look like passion to me.
Then during the time I was thinking of another passion idea and also reading other Twelve’s thoughts about passion, I started realizing that my original quilt could still work. It’s not the passion between the cats that’s important, but the passion I have for cats. I was hung up on portraying passion that I didn’t think about my passion. I think that most pet owners will agree that having a pet in your family is like having furry children and you become just as passionate about them as your own family members.
My quilt was made with a background of nine heart blocks. I made these hearts with a red/pink/cream heart print that I’ve had for a long time. I thought that this fabric and block design would be the perfect passionate background setting. Next I added all the quilted texture. The focal design was then outline stitched in a free-motion technique. Next I painted the design. I finished the edges with couched yarns.

Passion and Pain
After pondering passion for weeks, I finally decided to look beyond myself and identify someone whose life exemplified passion. My first thought was the Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo, who lived a life of pain and passion. It seemed she brought great passion to the loves of her life—her art, her politics and her husband, painter Diego Rivera. Not that it was an easy life or love. A trolley accident in her youth left her with crippling pain throughout her life and her life with Diego was tumultuous and exhausting, yet they always came back to one another. She said, "there have been two terrible accidents in my life—the trolley and Diego. Diego was, by far, the worst." Frida painted many self-portraits, some depicting the pain she lived with, but also many that celebrate the wild beauty of her beloved Mexico and the intensity of her passion for life, for color, for the world in all its splendor and pain.
I hope I have done justice to Frida. Below are some of the photos and self-portraits upon which I based my portrait. She never flattered herself in her paintings, but I find her quite beautiful and intense.
Together in division

The subject matter is obvious: it's a passion flower. I decided to interpret the flower rather than try to represent other meanings of "passion." I started with the great photo taken by my friend Connie right in her own yard.

Desires Lines #2: Caliente
When I made Simple String Theory in the lead up to the Mathematics theme, I knew that it would become a series - Desire Lines. Caliente is the second work in that series. I gather that "caliente" has shades of meaning in Spanish. That seems entirely appropriate as "passion" has a range of meanings too.
After dyeing up a storm of reds and oranges, I ended up using a red batik I already had in my stash for the background (that's OK - I have a passion for batiks). And in a wonderful dash of serendipity, I found that the red Cotton Mako Aurifil thread, kindly sent to me by Alex of Aurifil Threads, toned in perfectly. The fine 50weight thread quilted up beautifully and I could get passionate about that too.

Since moving to Hawai'i one year ago, I have been inspired to design some fabric patterns based on tropical flowers and plants. These designs remained mere sketches until Kirsty announced passion as our next theme. I considered a few other ideas, but the Passion flower is so graphically interesting that I kept coming back to it, and so used the opportunity to flesh out a few of my fabric designs "for real."