I guess you already know that I chose my fingerprint for my identity — actually, my thumb print. I had not seen other fingerprint quilts until I had finished mine. I became very intrigued by the patterns created by my thumbprint as I zoomed in closer and closer. I noticed that I had a scar which has altered my finger print. I reversed the thumbprint for two of the blocks because I like the additional patterning that was created by the juxtaposition of the reverse images. I hand-dyed fabric for this, and I tried to get the complements which would give it that pop art feel.
Here is a detail.

Here is my initial finger print using a stamp pad and my thumb.

I selected the least smudged version which I played with in Photoshop.

I then zoomed in on the center of my thumbprint where the whorl is and created a stamp in the filters. I printed the pattern on Wonder Under which I fused to the upper fabric, and then I cut out the black pattern areas and fused the two colors.

I don't have an interesting story about my identity quilt. For me, it was more about the process of getting the thumbprint on fabric. This was a bit fussy to create, but I loved doing it. The machine stitching was easier than I thought it would be but I had to buy matching thread so that I would not interfere with the simple pattern created by the two colors.
Funny how both you, Gerrie and Terry used fingerprints.....
I am LOVING all the pieces so far!!!
GREAT JOB everyone.
Gerrie, this is so colorful and inteesting, I really like the reversing, it makes you look twice.
Wow,Gerrie, this is the most alike our pieces have ever been! We definitely followed a lot of the same thoughts!
I really like the colors and pop-art way you put 4 prints together -- that's wonderful! Your color combinations are quite striking. I like this a lot!!!
Printed on Wonder Under?! Genius.
I just love this quilt. Great job. The variegated satin stitch really ties it together well!
Have we ever come this close to making something alike? I don't think so! You added your own signature with your color choices. Very graphic and "pop-ie"!
I love pop art and using this style to portray your fingerprint was a brilliant idea. Love it Gerrie!
I too really like the four versions of your thumbprint. Intended or not, it conveys that one person is not one dimensional. You can have different aspects of your identity and still be the same person. Love the complementary colors.
Don't tell anybody, but I like yours better than Barbara Watler's. Interesting how there is so much of the same thought floating around there in the universe.
Rayna! You made my day.
This fascinates me. This is a quilt that could be any size. There is so little sense of the scale of it. I can imagine it filling a huge gallery wall and being every bit as appealing as it is in this small format!
I like your colours very much. I cannot stop looking at the pattern on the 4 squares. Very well done.
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