The original idea was to convey various "identities" by using textiles that conjure immediate images. It looked crap. Really, really crap. The only one I liked was the suit, shirt and tie. I liked that a lot. So I made more. And a few others.
When we first meet a person, we make immediate judgments about who they are based on their appearance.
Why do we trust a man in a suit? (DO we trust a man in a suit?!)Is it safer to trust an old lady than a soldier?
Is choosing a tie the only way a man in a suit can express his individuality?
Is a man in a uniform more or less trustworthy/authoritative than a man in a suit?
Is the Australian soldier more to be trusted than soldier of another country?
Why do most of us feel a need to acquiesce to conventions of 'good taste'?
Is adopting a uniform of jeans and safety pins any different from adopting a uniform of a suit?
How strongly do you identify with your country's flag?
At what point did the Australian psyche shift from allegiance to England to allegiance to Australia? Some Australians haven't. Is that why we aren't yet a Republic?
Shouldn't we always question judgments made at face value?
Will I ever work out who I am?
Kirsty, I really really like how you've incorporated all of these ideas .. this is cohesive but does portray these competing ideas well. I especially like the contrast of the zipper and safety pin!
I suspect that the identity question is a tricky one for many of us, especially wives and mothers in the not-20-anymore ages! We juggle so many jobs and roles that it's a constant issue. So I think a lot of people can identify with your confusion/angst! I know I can!
Your quilt ties in so well to what I was trying to say in mine. I think you pulled off a more abstract and quilty look though, which I think works much better than mine does. Nicely posed questions too.
This is a really thought provoking piece Kirsten and I think you get your point across quite well. My eye is jumping all over it looking at the contrasting images. Really well done.
This is so wierd. I left a really brilliant and insightful comment here a couple of hours ago and it never showed up. Gone. Poof. And sadly, I'm afraid I can't repeat it. Bottom line was that this piece is very thought-provoking re having identity forced on you by a uniform (military or business suit, etc.) or hidden behind clothing choices that express a group identity or a fabricated identity. Wonderful!
Wow, you bring up some very thought provoking questions. It's unfortunate that we instantly think we've identified someone's qualities by the way they dress.
I love all the questions that you asked. I love the embellishments and the execution of this because it so represents your personal angst about identity. Well done.
Oh, so many questions... I like how you used all these fabrics and embellishments to point at them.
Interesting quilt. I would not have thought of this interpretation.
Kirsten, I'm just overwhelmed after reading your very thoughtful post and absorbing your quilt. What an excellent interpretation of the theme. I am also impressed by the similarities to Kristen's quilt -- right down to the loose necklace embellishments.
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