Fellow Twelves probably do not want to speak to me today. I am done. I too found the theme hard because my initial thoughts were so literal and consequently boring. But then, brainstorming phrases including the word windows I hit on an idea and I was off. All I am saying is that (a) I have not taken an obvious interpretation (b) that there is the usual social message to go with the quilt (c) that I am hoping that you look at theme over accurate portrayal of the subject matter and (d) that I might have taken a slightly liberal definition of 12 x 12!
Here is a teaser photo.

Hurry up April, I want to see what you all think of it!
I'll talk to you! I'm almost done, just have to put the backing on and stitch up the edges. I didn't do an obvious interpretation either. Looking forward to seeing yours and everyone's finished pieces.
I'm sure I'm waaaaay off, but the silver things on the black strips remind me of the horse brass (is that what it is?) you find hanging on the beams in some pubs. I'm curious to see what you really did. :-)
I finished but then decided that it didn't look like what I want it too, so I need to try again. I'm so glad I didn't wait for the last minute like I was tempted to.
I'm completed too although I fear that the window connection is rather tenuous. Of course, if I had seen Dancing Crow's 23 March piece, I might have gone in an entirely different direction again...
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