I don't need to tell you, I'm sure, that it is a stylized sun, so it definitely fits the theme. But as I worked away on it I kept thinking how trite it seemed. So I offset it. Then I started hand-stitching on it. Of course nothing helped. It just looks like a sun that any 6th grade art student would come up with. It is cheerful and not awful, I guess, but without meaning or originality. I could make it even more trite and generic by putting a face on it!
So I started over. Perhaps the value of this false start was that along the way I went back to an idea I had earlier rejected and began to see the possibilities in it. I like it so much better. In fact I may even love it.
I might finish this sun and sew it on the side of a beach tote for my granddaughter. I think it would be just about right in that context.
Definitely a beach tote!
I keep coming back to wanting everything to be perfect the first time out on this one, and that's just not the way it works. I think it's perfectly OK to try again and change direction along the way.
By "this one" I mean this challenge.
You know it may be that the way that our mosaic comes out to all look good together for this one is that we have all gone'simple'. (Or am I just looking for an excuse to excuse mine?!)
Perhaps it is a bit too tasteful? Hee!
Gerrie said, "Perhaps it is a bit too tasteful? Hee!"
(Inside joke, but you can read about it on Gerrie's blog)
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