I was this close to being done. Some of the interfacing came loose and I tried to iron it down, forgetting I was ironing a sheer on a cotton setting. Ffzzzt, there it went, into thin air. I said some unzenlike words for several minutes, then I put it down and walked away, to pissed off to even look at it. I know I should refer to my previous post to get back into the zone, and I even went to yoga this morning, hoping my inner calm would shine thru and everything would look brighter. I'm still waiting.
I am sure this is salvageble and I'm sure I will grow from this experience, but I'm not feeling the love right now
Oh nooooooooo!
Could you do it again a few times and just tell us that it's for effect and you did it on purpose?
A few deep breaths and I'm sure you'll come up with a solution (enlightenment, dare I say?).
Kristin's response was the same as mine- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Although I did giggle at the "unzenlike words". Sorry. It was only a little giggle.
Maybe your next one will be even better?
You know, I'm thinking you've really illuminated it! Go with it.
Oh, that's too bad!
BTW, I'm struggling with mine too...
Aaaaaaaaaargh! I know the feeling....indeed the spot you "messed up" is illuminated. It will be a special Buddha, I'm certain of it ;-)
I love to read the twelve by twelve blog. So much inspiration! You all make such wonderful and different work.
I’m sorry for the ‘mistake’, but I think it’s an illuminated mistake!
Oh no! So frustrating.
Great block anyway you decide to go with it...finished, almost finished... Love this blog.
I'm not just saying this to be nice and helpful but I can't see anything wrong in the photo!!
Beautiful image, even with the melted away section. It has an antiquated look. I think you can use it!
To me, that photo totally shows an illumination coming up behind his left shoulder--becoming illuminated often sneaks up from behind.
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