It began when I made this huge quilt called No 1 African Fabric Shop to amuse my friend Magie Relph the wonder of the real African Fabric Shop. Long story short it was far too big to keep so we took a rotary cutter to it and chopped it up into planks.
Over twenty artists paid for a piece of my quilt and have turned it into their own piece of art. those works are now all for sale on the Buy a Plank Website. It is a sealed bid auction and will end on April 27th at 5pm UK time which coincides with the end of the British Quilts and Stitch Village show at which all the quilts will be displayed.
This is my piece for the auction.
Hunter's Shirt
and a couple of my personal favourites:
The Price of Help by Judi Mendelsohn
One Plank Makes Many Huts by Alison Livesley
So, please, come over and have a look at the art and put a bid in!